The Chief Scientist of Québec

Rémi Quirion advises the Minister of Economy, Innovation and Energy on research and scientific development issues and chairs the boards of directors of the three Fonds de recherche du Québec. He promotes Quebec research in Canada and abroad, as well as careers in research and scientific culture.

Scholarships and grants

Each year, the Fonds de recherche du Québec supports thousands of graduate students, hundreds of research projects and dozens of teams, centers and groups of researchers through their programs, scholarships and grants.

Do research differently

The Fonds de recherche du Québec provides innovative programs that promote an intersectoral approach to research as well as interactions between science and society.


In order to stimulate the development of research and innovation, the Fonds de recherche du Québec have established partnerships with a variety of public, parapublic and private organizations.

Ethics and Integrity

The Fonds de recherche du Québec is actively involved in the promotion of research ethics and integrity, which are a key element in the development of knowledge and scientific innovation, as well as in excellence in research.

Nouveau mouvement de mobilisation
pour la #communautéFRQ

Que vous soyez récipiendaire d’un financement du FRQ ou sympathisant à la cause, joignez votre voix à la nôtre et affichez votre soutien à la recherche !

Nous avons élaboré plusieurs éléments visuels simples pour vous aider à afficher votre fierté de faire partie de la #communautéFRQ.