The FRQ contribute to efforts to promote environmental protection and sustainable development in research. Since 2019, they have been implementing their Action plan for environmental responsibility in research. This Action plan aims primarily to raise awareness in the scientific community of the environmental impacts of research and invites to take measures to minimize them.

Any funding application that includes a research project must indicate which level of environmental risk the project poses, either “minimal” or “greater than minimal” risk. Where the level of risk is “greater than minimal”, mitigation measures to reduce the environmental impacts of the research project are required.

Information to be provided to the FRQ

This information is collected for awareness purposes and is not used in the scientific evaluation.

When applying for funding

In a grant application that includes a research project, it must be indicated whether the level of environmental risk involved is “minimal” or “greater than minimal”.

View the FRQnet form

  • “Minimal” risk: The risk level can be considered “minimal” if the foreseeable environmental impact does not exceed the impact of day-to-day human activity. A “minimal” risk level can generally be expected of most research activities funded by the FRQ. Details to help determine whether the level of environmental risk of a research project is “minimal” are provided in our FAQ.
  • “Greater than minimal” risk: The risk level can be considered “greater than minimal” if the foreseeable environmental impact exceeds the impact of day-to-day human activity. Details to help determine whether the level of environmental risk of a research project is “greater than minimal” are provided in our FAQ.

Decision aid tool for the assessment of the environmental risk level (in French)

Table of examples of risk levels (in French)

When accepting a grant

When a research project included in a grant involves “greater than minimal” risk, the following information must be provided at the time of accepting a grant.

View the FRQnet form

  • The mitigation measures that will be implemented to reduce the environmental impacts of the research project, and ;
  • if the research project is also subject to environmental legal requirements, the measures that will be undertaken to comply with those legal requirements. The FRQ decision aid tool on legal requirements for environmental authorizations (in French only) can help identify whether a research project is subject to such requirements at the Canadian or Québec level.

Decision aid tool (in French)

If you have any questions, please contact Emmanuelle Lévesque, Research Ethics Advisor:

514 873-2114 ext. 4280 or