Intellectual property generated from public funding is governed not only by law, but also by specific requirements, including the standards applied by the FRQ and those governing the institutions involved in the research.

Intellectual probity, scientific integrity and fairness are essential to the sound management of intellectual property and support constructive relationships between the scientific community, institutions and partners.

Standards applied by the FRQ

The Common general rules (s. 5.6) govern all FRQ-funded research in the following manner:

  • the FRQ release any claim to patents and royalties, turning them over to the public institutions where the research is carried out, in accordance with the agreements made between the institutions and their
    researchers where applicable;
  • it is up to the institutions to claim on the public’s behalf a share of the benefits of the research activities funded by the FRQ;
  • whatever arrangements are in place with other partners with regard to intellectual property, the institution and the funding holder must at least be able to use the knowledge acquired for research and teaching purposes;
  • the FRQ do not fund research whose results must remain secret. Research funded in whole or in part by the FRQ cannot be subject to a confidentiality agreement that would preclude the dissemination of the results (subject to a
    reasonable delay to secure intellectual property rights, such as a patent), and;
  • funding holders must agree to publish the results of their research and to acknowledge support received from the FRQ.

View the Common general rules

Resources on intellectual property

If you have any questions, please contact Emmanuelle Lévesque, Research Ethics Advisor:

514 873-2114 ext. 4280 or