Several findings emerge from this study. It shows that, despite training taken in Québec to get around the non-recognition of diplomas by employers and professional corporations, gaps in access to employment persist between racialized and non-racialized immigrants, but also between racialized immigrants and non-racialized native Quebecers. These gaps are more pronounced for women (especially racialized women).
However, after 5 years in Quebec, immigrants have integrated into the workforce. Whatever their ethnicity, their employment rate is equal to that of the non-racialized native-born. However, a higher proportion of immigrants than native Quebecers report that the jobs they hold do not correspond to their aspirations. Systemic barriers create exclusion and racism (and even linguicism). In other areas, the extent of community and social participation reveals the limited social relationship between immigrants and the non-racialized native-born population. Racialized immigrants participate more in the community (even in schools) than other groups, increasing their interaction with other immigrants. In contrast, native-born Quebecers report little contact with immigrants.
The development of intercultural programs would bring native Quebecers and immigrants together, create bonds of trust and recognition, and foster a greater sense of belonging among immigrants, as well as better recognition by native-born Quebecers of their belonging as Québec citizens. The earlier that intercultural relations are developed after arrival, the better to ensure successful participation at different stages of the life cycle.
Main researcher
Solène Lardoux, Université de Montréal
Deposit of the research report: May 2021