Chief Executive Officer of the Fonds de recherche du Québec
In office since September 2011, the Chief Scientist of Québec, Rémi Quirion, represents the interests of science and research in several forums across Québec, Canada and abroad. This great ambassador of scientific Québec has become very popular with the general public during the COVID-19 pandemic thanks to his frequent interventions in the media and his talents as a communicator. He is the president of the International Network for Government Science Advice (INGSA) as of September 2021.
His mandates:
- To advise the ministre de l’Économie et de l’Innovation on matters pertaining to the development of research and science in Québec;
- To foster the excellence, position and influence of Québec research in Canada and internationally, especially through partnership development;
- To chair the boards of directors of each of the three Fonds de recherche du Québec;
- To develop intersectoral research in connection with three major societal challenges: demographic changes and the aging of the population; sustainable development and climate change, including AI and digital; creativity and entrepreneurship;
- To administer the human, material, financial and information resources of the Fonds;
- To promote careers in research and scientific culture.
I am very proud to lead the Fonds de recherche du Québec, important players within Québec’s ecosystem. Together with the Scientific Directors of the Fonds - Janice Bailey, Carole Jabet and Louise Poissant - as well as the entire staff, we are working towards a common goal: to support the excellence, creativity and audacity of the scientific community, and to prepare the next generation that Québec so desperately needs, while respecting a sustainable and responsible development of our society.